BEIROOTS Animation
Beiroots Animation is the first Lebanese animation series in English.
Episode 1 is already uploaded on Youtube. Make sure to subscribe to the Beiroots Animation channel to watch the other episodes.
Beiroots is set in modern day Beirut, but is heavily inspired by the city’s urban legends, ancient mythologies and more recent history…thus the name.
There are 7 main characters for now: Yasmine, a school teacher, and her 6 adorable students.
Yasmine is a wacky character! You never know if she is being serious or just joking…and we like that about her. She understands that most things are not either black or white, but rather some shade of grey. Most of her stories are based on historical facts…kind of. She mixes in some fiction, adds a bit of politics, teases with some humor, reminisces with nostalgia…but most of all indulges in lots and lots of craziness!